Struggling With Overeating At Night?

If you find yourself overeating at night, here are three simple strategies to help curb those late-night cravings. These tips have worked for thousands of our ME2.0 members, and they’ll work for you too!

  1. Eat Half Your Daily Protein by 2 PM
    To avoid nighttime overeating, make sure you’ve consumed at least half of your protein goal by mid-afternoon. For example, if your daily protein target is 130g, aim to get 65g by 2 PM. You can hit this with protein shakes, bars, eggs, or whatever works for you—just get it done!
    Not sure what your protein goal should be? A good rule of thumb is to aim for 1 gram of protein per pound of your goal body weight.

  2. Get 15-20g of Fiber by 2 PM
    Fiber helps you feel fuller for longer and can reduce the urge to snack late at night. Focus on fiber-rich foods like raspberries, apples, oats, bananas, kiwis, blackberries, potatoes, or high-fiber cereal. Getting 15-20g of fiber in by the afternoon can make a huge difference in controlling your evening hunger.

  3. Have a Snack Between 3-5 PM
    Don’t go into dinner starving! Have a snack in the late afternoon to keep your hunger in check. Ideally, this snack should include protein—like hard-boiled eggs, Greek yogurt, a protein shake, or a tuna packet—but it doesn’t have to be. Just make sure you have something to tide you over.

The real reason you’re overeating at night is that you’re not getting enough nutrients earlier in the day. By focusing on protein and fiber before 2 PM and having a strategic snack, you’ll feel more satisfied and in control when evening comes.

Give it a try. It works—I’ve seen it with thousands of ME2.0 members. But hey, it’s up to you! 😊


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